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Private Coaching
One on one

Private coaching is like therapy - if you can afford it, there's no reason not do it. Running is highly individual - what you can learn in a session can save you hours of heartache and pain. What you can learn about running is as endless as what you can learn about yourself. 


Coaching sessions are 45 minutes to an hour in length. You will work continually to improve your running form, speed and endurance through a personally constructed plan designed to help you achieve your goals.




My philosophy is basic. If you love something, you give it your heart. You are patient and present. You'll do whatever it takes to get what you want. Achieving your goals as a runner asks this intention:  to embrace the process with patience, respect and fortitude.. 


My goal as a coach is to make you love running. In the way progressive schools promote love of learning in the classroom, I cultivate passion on the road. I inspire my runners to do their best by changing the way they think about running.  They think positively, focus easily, laugh hard and feel recognized for their achievements. They become technically proficient and mentally strong. And they become so enriched in the process that running takes on a bigger dimension than the goals that drew them to running.








For rates and more info click here >>


Convenient locations

throughout New York City. 

.A good runner makes running look easy. Contrary to what people think,  running is a complicated skill. Running is a practice, your body its instrument. Learn the fundamentals and you'll develop the physical and mental confidence to run your best.
a whole new experience, goals you never thought possible achievable, and passion for its challenges real!
Running is also highly individual, meaning every runner has unique needs.  You can read a hundred books on running and never know how to apply what you've learned. A good coach is a great luxury, and can take you to the next level by identifying your needs and steering you to the right goals.




Small Group Training 
2 to 4 runners in a group

All runners, regardless of level, can learn from each other. Small group training engages the unique challenges of each runner as learning opportunities for the group. It's a great way to share progress and it's a lot of fun.


Small group training is a great option for runners who prefer the social dynamic of a group or can't afford private rates. Small groups up to 4 runners can share the cost of a private coach. 







Training with Charlotte

Running is a skill. Knowledge is power. (Humor is essential!)


Training means working to improve as a runner while working toward a specific set of goals. Goals are at the foundation of any training plan.  The tricky part is determining the right goals for you. 


Goals shoud not be complicated -  in fact, they should simplify your road to being a better runner. The secret of success lies in the balance of what is realistic for you to achieve ( now ), what challenges you and what engages your spirit. Your goal can be a race, a distance, a personal best or a motivational hurdle but should always be based upon the guiding principle that working to improve form, biomechanics and technique is what will make you a better, happier runner.









" Charlotte is warm and compassionate with a wicked sense of humor!"


  -Kelly Smith

Training with Charlotte: Mastering the Art of Running

The art, science and mindset of running


My goal as a coach is to make you love running. It's a serious undertaking but I make it fun  - like progressive education. I inspire my runners to do their best by changing the way they think about running. They become technically proficient, get a scientific grip on what they're doing, learn to recognize their achievements and feel enriched in ways that extend far beyond their original running goals. 

" Charlotte is warm and compassionate with a wicked sense of humor!"


  -Kelly Smith




Training means working to improve as a runner while working toward a specific set of goals. Goals are at the foundation of any training plan.  The tricky part is determining the right goals for you. 


Goals should not be complicated -  in fact, they should simplify your journey. The secret of success lies in chosing the right goal for you: it should be challenging, engaging and most of all realistic. Your goal can be a race, a distance, a time or a motivational hurdle but should always be based upon the guiding principle that working to improve your form,  and technique is what will make you a better, happier runner.


When you train with me you will get a training program that is customized to your goal and includes a mileage chart, detailed instructions on weekly runs and unlimited access to me by email and phone.


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